6. To Shrewsbury Museum

Victoria Avenue - The Quarry

Welsh Bridge

Rowleys House
While still in Quarry Park make your way towards the river and pick up the wide path " Victoria Avenue" running alongside. With you back towards St Chad's Church turn right and follow the path to the park gates.
Victoria Quay
Leave the park and continue to Victoria Quay, where you 45 minute river cruises are availble on the River King sightseeing boat.
Welsh Bridge
There has been a rrossing at this point since before the 12th century. Originally the bridge would have fortified, as part of the the town defences and gated towers were present up to the mid 18th century.
Shrewsbury Museum & Art Gallery
( Rowleys House )
Turn right at the Welsh Bridge into Barker Street. On the left you will see a striking black & white building.
Formerly known as Rowley's House, this 16th century building is now home to the Shrewsbury Museum and Art Gallery, with exhibitions of natural history, geology, archaeology, local history, costume, ceramics and Fine Art. See "External Links" for admission information.
End of Tour
You are almost back to our starting point. Continue straight along Barker Street and Bellstone, left into Shoplatch and then next right into Market Street. You will then arrive back at The Square.
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