4. To Shrewsbury Abbey

St Mary's Church

Wyle Cop
Shrewsbury Abbey
Return back to Castle Street and retrace your steps but instead of entering Pride Hill pedestrian area turn left onto St Mary's Street. You are now moving away from the town centre and heading down towards the River Severn and English Bridge.
St Mary's Church
A few yards on your left you will see St Mary's Church. Though now redundant it has one of the highest spires in England and a beautiful Jesse window.
Wyle Cop Wind your way onto Dogpole and at the traffic lights turn left into Wyle Cop. Take some time to browse the various craft and specialist shops before crossing the River Severn via the English Bridge.
On the far side of the river, to the left of the bridge are Abbey Gardens, a tranquil spot for a picnic or a short rest.
Shrewsbury Abbey.
Founded by Roger de Montgomery in 1083, the Abbey became world-famous as the fictional home of Brother Cadfael. In the grounds you also find a memorial to the great war poet Wilfred Owen.
Shropshire Wildlife Trust
Across the road, next to the car park is a visitor centre operated by Shropshire Wildlife Trust. The attraction is based around a wildlife garden, located in the old "Shrewsbury Quest" building.
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